How to Fix YouTube Anti Ad Block Detection Problem

So, How to Fix YouTube Anti Ad Block Detection? The bad news is many adblockers do not work on YouTube anymore but the good news is we have got you covered. Well, many desktop users are looking for a YouTube Adblock Detection Bypass trick and today we are going to give you one.

YouTube Anti Adblock is annoying these days. Many of the users used to use Adblocker on their browsers to stay away from those pesky ads. But recently YouTube has made some changes and now if you are using any kind of ad blocker on your browser, you will be unable to see any videos on it. However, we got you covered. Today in this article, I am going to tell you a quick and easy trick to fix YouTube Anti adblock problem.

So, How to Bypass YouTube Adblock detection?

YouTube AdBlock Detection Problem

What is YouTube’s Anti Adblock detection problem? Well, the problem occurs when someone uses adblocker on YouTube.

People used to have a Chrome plugin installed on their browser which is called Ad Blocker. This adblocker can block any ads shown on websites like YouTube, Facebook, or any other websites. So, as a result, websites couldn’t show ads to the users using the Adblocker plugin.

Thus, these websites are having a drop in their revenue or profits. To solve this problem, YouTube recently came up with a new script update on their webpage which is called Anti adblock script or Adblocker detection. This script simply detects if an adblocker plugin is installed on the browser or not.

If it finds any such adblocks then it simply shows a message that You are using an Adblocker. So, you won’t be able to view any videos from Now.

But wait, let me tell you that there is a fix for this. Yes, we can bypass YouTube adblock detection using a new bypass tool and today we are going to tell you all about this program.

How to Fix YouTube Ad Block Detection Problem

Well, the first and the genuine method to fix YouTube Anti Adblock problem is to get the YouTube problem.

You can simply get the YouTube Premium and remove ads from it.

There are some other YouTube Premium benefits like premium content, background play, and a lot more.

YouTube premium plans

The three-month plan costs Rs 399.

One-month plan is available at Rs 129

Twelve-month plan costs Rs 1,290.

But I guess, we are looking for a trick that doesn’t need money. So, how to get rid of YouTube ads without money?

How to Bypass YouTube Anti Adblock Security

So, now it is time to share the most infamous method to bypass YouTube anti-adblock detection. It is very easy. Just follow this simple step-by-step guide to fix YouTube anti-adblock detection.

First of all, go to this Website called UBlock Origin

How to Fix YouTube Anti Ad Block Detection Problem

This is a Chrome plugin. Click on Get Ublock Origin and you be taken to the Chrome plugin page.

Just click on add plugin>Add extension and you are done with installing the plugin.

However, Ublock Origin is a plugin like any other. It bypasses security script updates every day to bypass Youtube’s Anti Adblock successfully. In order to get the updated scrip and updated version of the plugin, here is what you need to do-

Simply click on the plugin from the extension bar on Chrome.

Click on the settings icon.

purge all caches and update

Go To the Filter Lists tab.

Purge all caches.

Now click on Update now. This will update your UBlockorigin with the latest script and give you full benefits to bypass the YouTube Anti AdBlock problem.

However, if you facing some problems with the plugin then you can also check if their script is properly working or not.

How to check Ublock Origin

How to check Ublock Origin

To check if Ublock Origin is working properly, here is what you can do-

Go to this Link. It is the update page of UBlock Origin.

If the page head is green and showing yes, then you will know that UBlock origin is working properly.

FAQ: YouTube Anti Adblock Bypass

Why is YouTube blocking my adblocker?

Adblockers blocks ads and thats is why content creators are unable to earn the full revenue from the views. So, YouTube wants to ensure content creators earn revenue through ads.

How can I fix the YouTube anti-adblock problem?

A: To fix the recent Anti Adblock problem on YouTube, you can try using different adblocker to disable ads on YouTube. You can also learn from this article to bypass YouTubes Anti adblock security.

Are there specific adblockers that work better with YouTube?

A: Yes, there are couple adblockers that still work on the latest YouTube adblock detection. These are uBlock Origin and AdBlock Plus. We have shared a guide to install and use uBlock Origin properly in this article.

Can I use YouTube without disabling my adblocker?

A: With the recent YouTube update, you can not use Youtube without disabling the adblocker. However, you can use adblocker mentioned in this article.

Will YouTube penalize me for using an adblocker?

A: YouTube has not announced penalties for using adblockers. However, using them may limit access to certain features or content on YouTube.

Is it legal to use adblockers on YouTube?

A: Yes, using adblockers is generally legal. However, it may violate YouTube’s terms of service and according to the latest YouTube update, you will not be able to access YouTube if you are using an adblocker.

What if the adblocker still doesn’t work?

A: Make sure your adblocker is up-to-date. Otherwise, you can use the latest ad blocker mentioned in this article.

Final Words: The YouTube Adblock detection problem fix is now available. You can follow this guide and learn how to bypass YouTube anti adblock problem. So, start using YouTube again without any boring ads with this guide.

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